Neurosquential Model of Therapeutics
The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics™ (NMT) is not a specific therapeutic technique or intervention; it is a developmentally sensitive, neurobiologically informed approach to clinical work. NMT integrates several core principles of neurodevelopment and traumatology into a comprehensive approach to the child, family, and their broader community. The process helps match the nature and timing of specific therapeutic techniques to the child’s developmental stage and brain region and neural networks mediating the neuropsychiatric problems.
According to Dr. Perry, the creator of the model, The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics maps the neurobiological development of maltreated children. Assessment identifies developmental challenges and relationships which contribute to risk or resiliency. Once identified, formal therapy is then combined with rich relationships by trustworthy peers and formal supports.​
The Goal of NMT
​The goal of this approach is to structure the assessment, articulation of the primary problems, identification of key strengths, and application of interventions (educational, enrichment and therapeutic) in a way that will help family, educators, therapists, and related professionals best meet the needs of each person. Active participation supports is important to the success of the NMT, by weaving various activities throughout the various relationships and environments.